Managed Service

Managed Service

Running a good honeypot solution is not a trival task and even though CROWSI is designed to be simple, setting it up and maintaining it takes up resources which you cannot invest anymore into your actual business.

Out of this reason we are working on making CROWSI available to you as a fully managed service, so that you don’t need to worry about upgrading, monitoring, patching and generally securing it.

Furthermore, as part of the managed service we plan to offer additional high-interaction decoys as well as a ready to use data visualization and alerting platform – making CROWSI an even better security solution out of the box.

3 Easy Steps

1. CROWSI Definiton

First step for you and us is to align on your use case so that we can select the right decoys together as well as define the few needed technical details. After this we will deploy your fully managed CROWSI solution for you.

2. Connect your Edge Devices

After CROWSI is initially deployed for you, you can now integrate a reverse proxy into your edge device, which forwards attackers to CROWSI. 

3. Lean back and wait for Alerts

Wait for us to inform you as soon as we see requests reaching your CROWSI deployment from one of your devices. You can then access your CROWSI dashboards that provide you with valuable insights like the ID of the device forwarding the requests as well as details about the requests that the attacker is sending. Based on this you can decide on how to proceed.

Questions or want a demo? Please reach out to us!